When I was engaged my parents warned me that being married is more than hard. They told me there would be difficult times and difficult situations that will arise. They counseled with me that it will be hard not to want to call home when feeling discouraged. I listened to their council and advice but I didn’t grasp it fully. How is it THAT hard? It shouldn’t be hard when two people love each other so much. Especially for Paul and I.
Now that I'm actually married I see these difficult situations are common. Last night as I and my sweet heart held each other tight and cried ourselves to sleep, I thought for the first time.. Marriage is hard. Just like my parents told me. It had been a day full of hard and unexpected events and I finally realized what they had been telling me. Marriage is not hard in a way where Paul and I disagree every moment of the day. Its not hard in the way where we are letting differences over come our love. I just mean that marriage is hard because suddenly, we are now relying on each other to survive in this crazy mess of a world. This means getting and maintaining a good job, getting through school, raising a family.. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.. especially when some of these things just don’t work out for the time being.
I asked Paul “why does this crap happen to us? We have the worst luck. The world is seriously out to get us.” Sometimes I don’t think Paul listens very carefully because he usually will sit there quietly after I have unleashed all my stress and anger and I’m left feeling a bit hopeless with my self pity. But I’ve noticed, he always answers me back. Even if it’s thirty minutes or even an hour after my rant. This time he answered with a very sweet and comforting answer that calmed my soul. He suggested that we look at it in a different light. Every other couple in this world is going through these same challenges and more. We aren't the only ones and to be quite frank, we have it pretty good. Then he said, "we need to go to the temple." I know that being married is hard. It comes with challenges but every obstacle is worth it when my honey and I do it together.
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