Thursday, December 29, 2016

14 weeks

I was laughing so hard after I took these pics because there is literally no bump. Well I dunno, is there? There's definitely something that wasn't there before. My stomach feels so different and weird. Paul and I both agree that I look bigger but I asked my family over Christmas if there was any bump and all of them said no haha. I think any bump Paul and I see is just french fries anyways. But still! I want to document. Also my shirt is inside out.. also crazy shower hair don't care.

How far along? 14 weeks today!

How big is baby? Let's check the 6 different apps I have on my phone.. Okay.. A large lemon, troll doll (haha), beet, house mouse, small apple, 3.4 inches long and 1.5 oz.

Weight gain: About 4 pounds

Symptoms: Waiting for that burst of energy everyone promises during 2nd trimester! I just want to take naps all day. I fell asleep during the new Star Wars movie. Also headaches.. I get headaches everyday now. But so does Paul soo..

Sleeping: Usually really well at night but some nights I'll wake up at around 4 or 5 and will be up for an hour. Usually my bladder will wake me up and I literally have to force myself to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.

Food Cravings: I think I'm over my obsession of potatoes. I still like them but I'm not craving them anymore. Hot apple cider is good. I dunno.. I'm not really obsessing over anything right now. I'm still a giant hungry monster. I'm not the biggest fan of eating but have to eat a meal every 2 hours or I am one cranky individual. Trust me, do not deprive me from food or there will be problems.

Food Aversions: I thought for sure I would hate beef but it's actually chicken I can't stand. I'll eat chicken nuggets or fried chicken. But I've accidentally ordered a few chicken burritos in the last few weeks and it just grosses me out. Not many other specific foods that I can't stand, though. I've been pretty picky about my food for sure but I'm not going to puke if I see certain food I just won't eat it.

Miss anything? Some really good sushi. But I also think that the whole sushi thing is a myth and I'm not too concerned if I go and eat some once in awhile. Same with cold deli meats. I'm pretty sure more pregnant women have gotten sick over not washing their fruits and vegetables compared to cold cuts. But what do I know!

Gender: We both still think it's a girl and have our name picked out. The only reason I'm hoping it's not a boy is because I cannot for the life of me figure out a good name. The little man will probably end up being named (here comes the eye rolls..) Ringo. Which isn't bad. But I'm not completely sold on it yet. Paul likes it. I like Jude better. I got my first eye roll and mumble when I told someone our girl name. Come on people, it's not like another persons name is going to kill you. Keep the eye rolling to yourself, thank you!

Maternity Clothes: No but living in my leggings and Pauls underwear! haha If anyone has any advice on maternity garments let me know!

Movement: When we saw our little bean during the ultra sound it was just chilling there but wiggling its arms and feet. I'm praying praying PRAYING for a chill baby. Knowing our personalities I'm thinking he/she will be a calm child. (PLLLEASSEE be anti-social and shy and a home body and calm and not a crazy person!!) I haven't felt any movement yet though. A couple times I THOUGHT I felt a little tickle but it was most likely gas.

Random: I've become like the biggest clean snob there ever was. Thinking about germs that are everywhere grosses me out and don't even get me started on people hacking and sneezing around me. I'm sorry I'm sorry! I don't know why I'm being such a weirdo about cleanliness.. But in all honesty it's not the worst thing to be a snob about.

What I'm looking forward to: I have an appointment on January 4th and I'm excited to hear the heart beat. I think the next appointment in 4 weeks will be the anatomy scan where we find out the gender. Exciting!! Also not really baby related but I'm looking forward to Paul getting his first real job and for us not to be homeless anymore! I can't wait to get into our own place again.

Best moment this week: We went to Rexburg for a couple days and seeing my niece and nephew was definitely the highlight of Paul and I's life. We both love them SO MUCH. Kids gross us both out so much but for some reason T and B don't make us want to wash our hands every five seconds haha. I've always told my sister and Paul that I can't imagine loving even my own child more than I love Tanner and Bree. I hope my child gets their sweetness and spunk. Also being around them really made me feel even more excited for my little babe to come. It's kinda weird to love someone that you haven't even met yet.


  1. My hubby says Mr. Kite should be in the name mix ;) in all honesty both those names for a boy would be adorable (especially if you're going with a Beatles theme) I however have always loved Jude (Law) tehehe. We're so excited for you both and it sounds like a boy from the lack of wanting chicken. Also I either read over or you didn't post the girls names? Unless you're keeping it a secret ;) and woot woot for Paul! Yay to not being homeless, having your own space is a must for sanity :)

  2. I had terrible awful headaches with Ross in my second trimester. The only thing that helped was drinking a Dr. Pepper. It's so fun to hear about your whole experience. I thought I loved my nieces and nephews like my own kids, until I actually had my own kids. The amount of love is unfathomable!
