Saturday, September 7, 2013

Smell that Sulfur?

Yes, and a lot of it.

Last week we heard some of our Ragar fam were heading to Yellowstone for a bit and thought it would be a good time for Paul and I to finally make the drive there (Paul has been dying to go since hmm.. I met him). We made our way there yesterday and turns out we had a bit of some trouble finding those Ragars. I mean, Yellowstone is pretty big.. add no cell service.. then add our complete lack of communication before hand. We had no idea where they were (and sometimes where we were), so we decided to go off on our own to make the trip the best we could.

And before the picture over load, can we just take a minute to recognize how adorable my husband is? Seriously. Who is this guy?

While we were soaking all the beauty in with the many thousands of people doing the same, I thought a lot about those people. Most people spend thousands of dollars and travel thousands of miles to be right where we were standing. Some people only dream about visiting such a place. We have the blessing to get up and go for a day, only spend a few dollars, and then return home.

I'm just saying, I love where I live.


  1. Looks like lots of fun! To bad you didn't get to meet up with Joel and the family.

  2. I wish we could have! It would have been fun to share the day with them. We got to see them the next day in Rexburg though which was nice!
