It's my birthday too, yeah!
So, I'm really bad with numbers. As in remembering which number goes to what important fact, person, date, whatever. Last year at this time Paul's birthday was coming up and I for the life of me, could not remember the date. Was it the 10th? 18th? 12th? I felt so embarrassed because at that point in our relationship I should have known at least the date of his birth! Turns out it was the 8th. Thank you Facebook for saving my butt. (seriously, I had to turn to fb to tell me my future husbands birthday.. ugh).
So, I'm really bad with numbers. As in remembering which number goes to what important fact, person, date, whatever. Last year at this time Paul's birthday was coming up and I for the life of me, could not remember the date. Was it the 10th? 18th? 12th? I felt so embarrassed because at that point in our relationship I should have known at least the date of his birth! Turns out it was the 8th. Thank you Facebook for saving my butt. (seriously, I had to turn to fb to tell me my future husbands birthday.. ugh).
This year was different though.. I wrote it everywhere so there was no way I couldn't remember my baby's special day. so pathetic. Do you know whats even more pathetic? My manager at work asked me how old Paul was turning.. "umm.. 23. oh no wait I think 22. crap!" See? numbers are dumb. (He was turning 23).
I absolutely was SO excited for his birthday though. I was determined to make it a good one.
We woke up at our normal time to get ready for work and school. I told him I would be home a little later in the day because work would be really busy that day (ha lies!). We parted ways, him going to school and me supposedly going to work (did he really think I was going to go to work on his birthday??) Instead I went to our local and delicious donut bakery to get my baby his favorite treat. I came back to the apartment with a dozen donuts, balloons, cake, lunch, and a wrapped present. I didn't over do it at all. I was so giddy and excited for him to come home that I texted him saying "wow work is really crazy today, wish I was home with you!" When he finally returned, I had a happy birthday sign on the door, some yummy lunch and had our favorite song jammin. He was just too cute walking through that door with that "what the!" look on his face.

The remainder for the day was full of new ties, ALDO shoes, sushi, popcorn, and cuddling. I think I may have had a better day than Paul! The entire day I kept thinking how lucky I am to get to spend every birthday with this babe. He is absolutely e v e r y t h i n g to me.