We met at the Ivy where I was living for the semester. He walked in the door and I knew... nope.. I had no clue I would marry him haha. But I'm sure glad I did.

Our first kiss was in a potato field! And we are not ashamed. It was windy then, and windy when we took this picture. Always. Windy.
When we were "dating" he told me to jump through this tire outside of his apartment. So I did. From then on I was known as "circus girl".
And then we were sealed in the LDS Rexburg temple!
This is the front of our very first apartment in Rexburg.
The alley way on the side of the building. Our apartment's windows were right by the fire escape. There would be kids screaming and smoking weed right below so we would yell at them haha.
This is the back of Fongs and was right across from our windows. We would smell that pork fried rice all day and ended up going probably once a week if not more.
Our cute tiny apartment we lived in last. Best place we lived in Rexburg except for those darn spiders. We've confused so many people with where we live because the address is 271 and 1/2. It's like platform 9 3/4. You have to be a wizard to enter within.
This is the church building we went to every Sunday. The Primary will always have our hearts!
We graduated at the same time from BYUI! I with my bachelors and him with his associates.
I'm so happy I was born and grew up in Rexburg. and I am SO happy Paul and I met there. It's a place that will always have our hearts. It's bitter sweet leaving and now living in St. George but so exciting knowing that St. George will hold just as many memories for us!