Thursday, August 3, 2017

Harbor Paul Ragar

I had been having pre-labor symptoms the whole week leading up to Harbors Birthday and I was feeling pretty miserable. I had a lot of braxton hick contractions and was VERY swollen everywhere. I had no idea my feet could swell up to be so huge! I could only wear my flip flops half way on.

So on June 20th I had a doctors appointment where they checked my dilation and how I was progressing. The process of checking became extremely uncomfortable and painful for me. My doctor mentioned something about how high and slanted my cervix was and that it was hard for him to reach it. He offered to strip my membranes but after seeing how much pain I was in from just the check, he told me it would be best not to and that we would try to do it next week. I felt so disappointed coming out of that appointment because I really wanted to get my membranes swept to try and get this baby out as soon as possible haha but I honestly (and call me a giant baby) couldn't handle the pain.

Paul and I drove to the Ragar house to have a nice swim and try to relax. It felt SOO good feeling weightless in the pool. It really helped me to relax and find some peace. Afterwards Paul and I went back to out apartment, got pizza, watched a few shows and then went to bed.

At 2:30AM June 21 I woke up feeling wet. I totally thought I had peed my pants a little (really this isn't unusual being pregnant haha) so I went to the bathroom and cleaned up. During that time I had a small contraction but felt fine afterwards and went back to bed. Around 4 I woke up again from a bigger contraction but feel asleep soon after. Then around 5 I went to the bathroom and I just knew this wasn't pee this time haha. My water had definitely broken. I always thought that when your water breaks it's like one big gush and then it's over... that's definitely not how it was haha. It just kept coming and coming. I had no idea that it lasted for so long. I called Paul from the bathroom and then all of a sudden we were calling the doctor and the hospital and getting ready to make the dash to the hospital! It was a crazy feeling leaving our apartment knowing we would return with a baby!

I told myself over and over again before going into labor that I NEEDED to remember to eat something before going to the hospital. That I needed to stuff my face so that I wouldn't be so sick to my stomach while not being able to eat. We stopped at McDonalds of all places just before getting to the hospital. While I'm literally sitting in my own amniotic fluid (sickkk)and having contractions closer and stronger, Paul is ordering a bacon cheese mcmuffin and four hash browns lol. I was right in the middle of a contraction when Paul handed me a giant drink to hold while he was handed the other food. At that point I was thinking, "what in the heck are we doing?! I need to get to the hospital!" haha. But the contraction passed and I was able to scarf down a hash brown.

We finally got to the hospital. While walking through the front area I noticed that anyone could tell where I had been walking because I was literally leaking EVERYWHERE. It was so sick. The front desk lady was like "Well! You've got an automatic admission!" Since she could definitely see my water had broken.

Getting the IV in was cake! I was so worried about getting it in because so many people say that it literally the worst part about labor... umm no haha. The worst was yet to come.

The nurse tried to check me to see how dilated I was but again, it was mentioned that my cervix was too high and that she actually couldn't even find it. I was in so much pain when they were trying to check me that they decided they would wait until I had my epidural so I would be more comfortable. They started me on pitocin and I got set up in the delivery room. This is when things started to feel real. Looking over at that little bassinet and thinking I would have a baby soon was just so out of this world.

At around 1:30pm I decided it was time for the epidural. I was completely terrified but it really wasnt all that bad at the time. A few stings and it was uncomfortable for a minute but at around 2 I started to feel alllll it's glory. The pain meds were definitely working as well because the room was spinning and I felt high as a kite. I was sooooo happy haha. I turned on The Beatles (which probably didn't help the high feeling) and relaxed. I remembering texting my dad "I feel free as a bird" and "happiness is a warm epidural" lol.

Since I couldn't feel anything at that point, they checked me and I was only at a 4 but could stretch to a 5. At around 6pm I was at a 6 and at 7pm I was at an 8.

Now at around this time is when everything was getting really intense and my mind is pretty cloudy. At some point, my doctor showed up and checked me. I was getting really close and he made his guess that I would have baby at around 8! I was fully dilated and ready to start practice pushing. It gave me so much confidence! Until I could slowly feel my epidural wear off. I was always told this was a myth by many many people... But I am here to tell you.. THE EPIDURAL CAN WEAR OFF. The nurse told me that I wasn't allowed to press the heaven sent button that numbs me because I had started pushing. So there I was in extreme pain and feeling every contraction. At one point I threw up EVERYWHERE and was a complete mess. (Paul says that he was impressed with how far it shot haha). The shaking was out of control and drove me crazy. We continued to push and I thought I was literally going to die every time a contraction hit. I thought that at one point the nurse would say something like "I see progress!" but no. baby wasn't budging and all that pushing was for nothing.

My poor mother in law was in the room this entire time seeing her daughter in law be a crazy lunatic haha. I am so thankful for her support and for everything she did to help Paul and I during all of this. She is truly heaven sent.

My doctor came in to check me and said that because of the way my bones were so narrow, and how my cervix was tilted, baby's head and shoulders were being squished down at an angle. He let me and the nurse push for a little while longer until I could no longer handle any of it any more! we stopped all pushing and they called in the anesthesiologist to discuss options. They gave me more medicine but it wasn't working. I couldn't feel my legs but I could definitely feel my stomach and abdomen. They just couldn't understand why this was happening. I felt like they didn't believe when I told them I could feel all their pokes and pricks on my belly but not on my legs. When they finally believed me they gave me more drugs. By this time it was well over midnight. June 22. My birthday! Happy birthday to me, here is the worst pain you'll ever feel in your life.

My doctor checked me one last time and broke the sad news. He told me that how my bones are makes it too narrow for babies to fit and drop down. (I understand people have their own opinions about this and think that it's a myth for the pelvic bones to be too narrow for a baby to drop. I'm not sure what to say to those opinions because my bones are literally too narrow and are tilted so baby couldn't drop down. It's fact haha. but we are all entitled to our own opinion.) We needed to go ahead and do a c section. He gave me the option to keep pushing if I really wanted to but told me I could push for another 4 hours and nothing would happen. It's funny because the day before, Paul asked me if I was prepared to have a c section if that was something I had to do. I shook it off and said there's no way I would have a c section.. I should have prepared myself for any scenario to happen. I was definitely not prepared for any of this. But now I can be better prepared for next time because all my babies will be delivered via c section.

Paul and his dad gave me a blessing of peace and comfort and I felt it. I knew I was going to live but I was still scared out of my freakin mind. All the trauma from feeling the contractions and pushing for so long to being told a c section was on its way.

Paul got all dressed in his scrubs and hair net and I remember being wheeled out into the hall with my doctor and a bunch of nurses. I remember looking at my doctor and wondering why his scrubs were so low cut because I could see his chest hair and being kind of annoyed about it hahaha. It was so cold and bright getting into the op room. They moved me to the table and put that giant sheet up and got all connected to different wires and things. They had me put my arms out straight and I felt like I was going to be sacrificed at the alter. I was seriously SO scared. But then I remember looking up and seeing a few faces and then seeing Paul hovering over me telling me he was there for me. I'll never forget looking up and seeing his face (or more like his eyes because he had a mask on). He was so comforting and loving. Paul did an amazing job and I am so grateful for him for being so strong through all the craziness and getting me through it all.

What was really scary was when my doctor started asking if I could feel "this" or "this" and I was like uhhh I don't know! I could feel pressure but I couldn't feel pain. Then he started the procedure. Something doctors probably shouldn't say when they have an awake patient during surgery is "well these knives aren't very sharp". When Paul and I heard that we both looked at each other like what the heck is going on. Surprisingly I forgot about it quickly after it was said and didn't freak out too much. All the talking and beeping and the amount of nurses in the room was super distracting. It felt like forever but then I felt a pull and some pressure and like 8 pounds 3 ounces was lifted off of me. :)

It was unbelievable hearing Harbors first little cries. MY baby was crying. Paul went over to see him and cut a portion of the cord. While he was doing that, I was being stitched up. Then all of a sudden I felt like I couldn't breath and started panicking a lot. The nurse by my sided comforted me and told me that it's okay and that my uturus was on my chest causing pressure. I was like wait what? My uterus is on my chest? haha and I laugh about it now but I was sooo confused at the time.

So finally after a while Paul came to my side with OUR baby. Seeing Paul hold our baby was the best thing I have ever seen. I just couldn't believe it. He was SO cute and one of my first thoughts was that he looked so much like Tanner (my nephew) who I loooovvee so much. Immediately we could see that Harbor has my eyes but has so much of Paul. How great is it that I get to share my birthday with my son?!

In the recovery room I was able to hold my baby for the first time and try to nurse. We spent a lot of time there and then finally they wheeled me to my room while the little new baby song played over the intercom.

I was in the hospital for four days and honestly hated every minute of it. It just felt so dark and gloomy and like I would never feel better again. It was really hard on me not being able to get up by myself and feed Harbor or change his bum. This is where Paul was the biggggest help and I am soo thankful for him. We were all so exhausted but Paul was always by my side to help me, hand me Harbor when it was time to eat, when I needed to get up for the bathroom, shower, and let me cry all over him many many times.  It was really really hard. I couldn't have done any of it without Paul.

I had a nurse who's name is Julia that was really great and encouraging in every aspect of my recovery. I was lucky enough to have her a couple of times. It could have been just coincidence that my nurse Julia was there with me so much but through her I felt that my own sister Julia was there with me and helping me through.


We were finally able to go home on Sunday afternoon. As uncomfortable and painful as it was, I absolutely loved sitting in the backseat with my new baby boy with Paul driving us home. I wont ever forget that moment. It felt SO amazing to finally be home in our own space with our tiny babe.

Being home I thought that things would just be easy from here on out and that I would heal quickly and we could get on with our lives. That wasn't the case at all and there were some major set backs due to my incision not healing and actually splitting open pretty far. I'll spare the nasty details but I couldn't look at my incision without bawling. It was SO hard seeing what had happened and how bad it looked. Even seeing how concerned the doctor was about it made me sick. That first week I was definitely caught in a depressed state and felt so bad over everything. After that week Paul hid the little mirror I used to look at my incision and told me he would look at it and clean it every day so that I wouldn't have to see it. I am SO thankful that Paul isn't too squeamish about blood and all that haha. He did a great job and I can now look at it without crying or wanting to barf. It's finally healing after 5 weeks. It will never be perfect and I'm still pretty upset with certain aspects of it but like Paul has told me "It's a token of Harbor. You traded your body for something much greater." And it is all so worth it.

Also breastfeeding.. It's like the hardest thing ever. I know it comes so naturally for some but for me I had a really difficult time. Part of that was because I had a c section and the different hormones that come with it. I felt like a failure and the hospital pediatrician sure didn't make me feel any better (Ugh!). Making the decision to stop trying to feed Harbor practically nothing from my poor pancake boobs (haha) was really hard. When my milk finally decided to come in it literally was there for half a day and then nothing. Harbor was upset, I was upset. And I needed to feed my baby! So formula it is! And we are perfectly okay with it now (except for the smell.. oh my gosh it's disgusting haha). But there is SO much judgement that comes with breastfeeding or not breastfeeding. I literally had thoughts that if I don't nurse then Harbor won't know that I am his mom and he won't ever love me the same. I can say now that is completely not true. Harbor and I bond in so many other ways and I know that he knows I'm his mommy and I know that he is getting the nutrients he needs. Formula is a blessing people!

Giving birth really didn't go as planned obviously. I just wanted to do what my body was meant to do which was to have a baby vaginally and to be able to feed my baby naturally. But honestly, it all doesn't even matter now. I am so thankful to live in this day where my baby and I were able to survive because of medicine and technology. I am SO thankful for Paul and for literally being my rock throughout this whole craziness. Harbor is so lucky to have an amazing dad to look up to and learn from. I love my boys so much. I will never be able to explain how traumatizing it all was for me but I can say with confidence that I would do it over and over again if it means that I get to bring a perfect tiny soul into this world and be his mother. I love being Harbors mommy.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Grow baby Grow - 17 weeks and 2 days

If you read my blog and you're seeing this post.. congratulations you have now seen my bare belly. I don't feel like it's something I can confidently put out there on social media or whatever but I want to include it here in my blog for myself because I think it gives a better picture of how big (or how small) my bump is without the distraction of a flowery shirt haha.

I love that tiny little belly. I love falling asleep with my hand on it and then waking up in the morning having it there again. I'm sure I will change my mind about it once it gets ginormous haha. But I'm happy to have it now and to see it grow.

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks! 

How big is baby? A chipmunk, so cute!! Pomegranate, game controller, white onion, 5.1 inches and 5oz. 

Weight gain: I'm not sure! I'll find out in a couple weeks. 

Symptoms: Headaches still. My skin has been super itchy lately. The last couple days I HAVE NOT been feeling well and I'm not sure what's up. My stomach just hasn't been happy with what I've been eating I guess. I feel really sluggish. I know I only have the tiniest, non existent bump ever.. but the little tummy that I have grown is definitely making every day things difficult even already. (man am I in for it later on when I actually have a giant bump). I HATE flipping over when I'm sleeping. But I seem to be doing it a lot lately. 

Sleeping: Sleep is becoming more and more difficult. One thing that had been helping me fall a sleep almost instantly though is turning on a bob ross episode hahah. But for real it is so relaxing and helps me a ton. Paul will turn it on and usually in 5 minutes or less I'm out. He always takes a screen shot of the finished master piece at the end so I can look at it in the morning which makes me happy. 

Food Cravings: I haven't really had much of any cravings. I have a grilled cheese sandwich almost every day which is yummy. I've been loving a bowl of bananas, blueberries and chia seeds. Yesterday I ate like 10 dove chocolates. But that's not really anything abnormal haha. 

Food Aversions: I just can't really eat anything that other people have made unless it's in a restaurant or whatever. I know that's probably weird because in a restaurant it's probably 10x more sick. 

Miss anything? I miss Paul right now. He's interviewing for a job at the moment. 

Gender: I still think it's a girl but the thought of a boy gets more and more exciting. Seriously as soon as we picked out a couple names we love for a little boy, it got really exciting. 2 weeks and we find out! 

Maternity Clothes: Nope! 

Movement: Those tiny flutters and bumps still! So fun. I haven't felt a big roll since last week. 

Random: I can't use the shampoo and conditioner that I used my first trimester. It makes me SO sick! 

I've been listening to a lot of Beatles and Bahamas lately. Hope this baby enjoys some of the best!

What I'm looking forward to: My next appointment of course! I also ordered some oil online so I'm super excited to get that to help with this weird itching. 

Best moment this week: Free Bahama Bucks! They opened one in Provo and if we end up living near there we will be in trouble because I will be going every day. 

Also Paul getting second interview with an awesome company in Orem! We are hoping for the very best but know if this one doesn't work out, there will be more opportunities for us.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks! 

How big is baby? Dill pickle, avocado, action figure.. 4-5 inches and 3-5 oz. 

Weight gain: At my last doctors appointment I stepped on the scale and almost died at the sight of how much I weighed. I didn't want to be "that girl" who was always worried about her weight when pregnant but.. I totally am. And now I understand how hard it is to see those numbers on the scale. My doctor said I am totally fine especially because I started my pregnancy at such a low weight but it's still difficult, ya know? Especially because I have to make sure I am eating something every two or three hours or else I really do go crazy. It's also super annoying too because my body doesn't have something good to show for the weight gain! Still waiting for that baby bump. I think as time moves on and as I become more connected with my baby, my weight concern will hopefully fall and I'll focus more on this journey I'm on. Paul and I are starting to use the local indoor track not to lose weight obviously but just to help me mentally know that I am taking care of my body and my baby. It's already helped a lot. 

Symptoms: Headaches a lot still. Round ligament pain in groin. Tired as always. Weird skin problems that I won't go into although my face has been pretty clear lately. 

Sleeping: Still pretty well. Paul usually doesn't go to sleep until after midnight because he's a crazy coding weirdo :) So when he comes to bed I'll wake up and use the bathroom. 

Food Cravings: I'm not really craving much at all. Burgers always sound great but not necessarily craving them. I'm not even craving ice cream or chocolate (which is very surprising). I guess mostly just fruit and juice. 

Food Aversions: Chicken still kinda grosses me out unless it's grilled. 

Miss anything? Not much to miss! I ate a meat sandwich today so I guess that makes me a rebel. 

Gender: I've been doing some of the wives tale pregnancy predictors and every one of them has said girl! We still think it's a girl but we finally thought of a couple boy names that we love so I would be totally happy with a boy! We find out the gender at my next appointment in a couple weeks!!! 

Maternity Clothes: Not yet! Still living in my leggings and t shirts to stay comfy. I can't bring myself to buy new garments yet so just dealing with my tight ones by cutting a little slit to give me some extra room. Probably not the best thing to do but I'm going to be retiring them soon anyways. 

Movement: I've been wondering if those tiny flutters I've been feeling are movements but yesterday (January 13th) Paul and I were sitting on the bed and all of a sudden I felt the craziest and weirdest "roll" type feeling just below my belly button. I jumped because it scared me and said "Oh my gosh!" Paul flipped around and was like "What?! Is there a spider??!" hahaha. It was pretty funny that Paul thought I had seen a spider and jumped because I was scared haha. So exciting! I can't wait to feel it again. 

Random: Some things just gross the heck out of me. I'm so paranoid about germs it's getting annoying. I carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer every where I go. I also can't stand the smell of other people (besides Paul). We've been spending a lot of time at the library every day and getting wiffs of other people is the worst for me. 

I've been having the craziest dreams still. The other night I dreamed that Paul and I were at J dogs getting a hot dog to share and they totally messed up our order. I complained about it and all of the workers were like "We are sorry! We just aren't very good at making hot dogs!" and I was so confused and was like "Umm this is a hot dog restaurant? Shouldn't you be good at making hot dogs?" hahah. Last night I dreamed that we were in California with my Mother and Father in law and Paul and I were so hungry but they wouldn't let us eat anything but soda and movie popcorn haha. 
The dream that tops them all though was the one where I put baked potatoes on my boobs to "sooth" them because they were hurting so bad hahah.

What I'm looking forward to: My next appointment in a couple weeks! I'm so excited to see him/her again and spend a lot of time looking at all the body parts. Also, so excited to find out the gender! I'll be seriously so happy either way. 

Best moment this week: Paul getting his first job interview and applying to a million jobs all over! We've been applying like crazy and we are starting to apply to jobs outside of Utah so we will see where we go! I'm really excited to get settled again and have a place we call home for at least a little bit. Also going to the temple this week was so great. We went to the Timpanogos temple for the first time and it was really pretty! ALSO feeling maybe move and knowing for sure it was baby and not just gas. :)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

14 weeks

I was laughing so hard after I took these pics because there is literally no bump. Well I dunno, is there? There's definitely something that wasn't there before. My stomach feels so different and weird. Paul and I both agree that I look bigger but I asked my family over Christmas if there was any bump and all of them said no haha. I think any bump Paul and I see is just french fries anyways. But still! I want to document. Also my shirt is inside out.. also crazy shower hair don't care.

How far along? 14 weeks today!

How big is baby? Let's check the 6 different apps I have on my phone.. Okay.. A large lemon, troll doll (haha), beet, house mouse, small apple, 3.4 inches long and 1.5 oz.

Weight gain: About 4 pounds

Symptoms: Waiting for that burst of energy everyone promises during 2nd trimester! I just want to take naps all day. I fell asleep during the new Star Wars movie. Also headaches.. I get headaches everyday now. But so does Paul soo..

Sleeping: Usually really well at night but some nights I'll wake up at around 4 or 5 and will be up for an hour. Usually my bladder will wake me up and I literally have to force myself to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.

Food Cravings: I think I'm over my obsession of potatoes. I still like them but I'm not craving them anymore. Hot apple cider is good. I dunno.. I'm not really obsessing over anything right now. I'm still a giant hungry monster. I'm not the biggest fan of eating but have to eat a meal every 2 hours or I am one cranky individual. Trust me, do not deprive me from food or there will be problems.

Food Aversions: I thought for sure I would hate beef but it's actually chicken I can't stand. I'll eat chicken nuggets or fried chicken. But I've accidentally ordered a few chicken burritos in the last few weeks and it just grosses me out. Not many other specific foods that I can't stand, though. I've been pretty picky about my food for sure but I'm not going to puke if I see certain food I just won't eat it.

Miss anything? Some really good sushi. But I also think that the whole sushi thing is a myth and I'm not too concerned if I go and eat some once in awhile. Same with cold deli meats. I'm pretty sure more pregnant women have gotten sick over not washing their fruits and vegetables compared to cold cuts. But what do I know!

Gender: We both still think it's a girl and have our name picked out. The only reason I'm hoping it's not a boy is because I cannot for the life of me figure out a good name. The little man will probably end up being named (here comes the eye rolls..) Ringo. Which isn't bad. But I'm not completely sold on it yet. Paul likes it. I like Jude better. I got my first eye roll and mumble when I told someone our girl name. Come on people, it's not like another persons name is going to kill you. Keep the eye rolling to yourself, thank you!

Maternity Clothes: No but living in my leggings and Pauls underwear! haha If anyone has any advice on maternity garments let me know!

Movement: When we saw our little bean during the ultra sound it was just chilling there but wiggling its arms and feet. I'm praying praying PRAYING for a chill baby. Knowing our personalities I'm thinking he/she will be a calm child. (PLLLEASSEE be anti-social and shy and a home body and calm and not a crazy person!!) I haven't felt any movement yet though. A couple times I THOUGHT I felt a little tickle but it was most likely gas.

Random: I've become like the biggest clean snob there ever was. Thinking about germs that are everywhere grosses me out and don't even get me started on people hacking and sneezing around me. I'm sorry I'm sorry! I don't know why I'm being such a weirdo about cleanliness.. But in all honesty it's not the worst thing to be a snob about.

What I'm looking forward to: I have an appointment on January 4th and I'm excited to hear the heart beat. I think the next appointment in 4 weeks will be the anatomy scan where we find out the gender. Exciting!! Also not really baby related but I'm looking forward to Paul getting his first real job and for us not to be homeless anymore! I can't wait to get into our own place again.

Best moment this week: We went to Rexburg for a couple days and seeing my niece and nephew was definitely the highlight of Paul and I's life. We both love them SO MUCH. Kids gross us both out so much but for some reason T and B don't make us want to wash our hands every five seconds haha. I've always told my sister and Paul that I can't imagine loving even my own child more than I love Tanner and Bree. I hope my child gets their sweetness and spunk. Also being around them really made me feel even more excited for my little babe to come. It's kinda weird to love someone that you haven't even met yet.

Monday, December 12, 2016

10 weeks 5 days-First prenatal appointment!

I went into my first prenatal appointment SO nervous and SO scared. Doctor offices are just so stressful to me! But I left feeling so so happy and excited! I already love my doctor and the staff. They made me feel extremely comfortable and taken care of.

So I went in and my doctor immediately could tell I was so nervous haha so after he went through the normal questions he jumped up and said "Alright now for the fun part! We get to see your baby!" In the ultrasound room I was so nervous that we wouldn't be able to see the baby for some reason but as soon as he started there popped up our tiny little bean! It's just so weird seeing a living THING inside of my body! We listened to the heart beat and that's when I had a few little tears haha. I looked over at Paul and he was just so cute and excited (Probably a little scared too). We actually SAW the heart beat too! A tiny little flutter. It was at 170 which makes me think it's a girl just from the myth that if the heart beat is super fast then it's most likely a girl. But who knows! Then we saw the little thing wiggling it's hands and feet and that totally freaked me out haha! How crazy and amazing is this whole thing?? The doctor measured the baby and bumped the due date up just a little bit from July 2 to June 29th.

THAT is a BABY inside me! What!

 I just kept saying "That is so cool" haha. I had no other words! 

We ended our perfect day with temple lights and a slice of cheese cake from the cheese cake factory!